Live Server

GoSquatch can be used to run a local server that will rebuild your source directory on any file changes. This lets you develop you site locally before you show it to the world.


Run the following to install gosquatch through apt:

curl -s --compressed "" | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/gosquatch.gpg > /dev/null
sudo curl -s --compressed -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gosquatch_list_file.list ""
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gosquatch


gosquatch -live-server -src-dir=./ -port=8080

Then visit your site at http://localhost:8080


-src-dir: The location of your source directory

-port: The port the live server runs on

-live-server: Runs the live-server. If this is not included, GoSquatch runs in build mode.

Updating GoSquatch

Updating your local installation of GoSquatch is just like any other apt package:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade